Why Taking Ballet Classes is Good For You

Are you thinking about signing up for ballet classes? If so, you're in luck! Ballet classes are a fantastic way to get in shape, boost your confidence and learn something new. Here are five reasons why attending ballet classes can be beneficial for you. Reason #1: Improve Your Fitness Ballet is an excellent form of exercise that strengthens your muscles and improves your coordination. Every ballet class will involve a warm-up and stretches, which helps to improve flexibility. [Read More]

Two Suggestions for New Exercise Enthusiasts Who Want to Buy Their First Fitness Class Package

If you've recently become interested in exercise and are now about to buy your first ever fitness class package, here are some suggestions to keep in mind. Don’t Assume That Fitness Class Packages That Include Dance Classes Will Be Easy If the local fitness centre or performing arts centre has packages that include dance classes and you've never danced before, you might assume that these fitness class packages will be easy, as dancing can often appear to be a less challenging type of exercise; this might put you off these packages if you're taking fitness classes with the goal of getting very fit. [Read More]

5 Benefits of Kids Ballet Classes

If you're thinking about signing your child up for ballet lessons, you might be wondering about the benefits this type of activity can bring. This article looks at 5 of the benefits your child can reap if they take part in ballet classes. Read on to find out more. Improved fitness Ballet is an extremely physical art. When dancers are moving around a space, positioning their limbs and picking each other up, they use just about every muscle in their body. [Read More]

How Dancing Can Help with Parkinson's Disease

There are an estimated 81,000 people in Australia who are living with Parkinson's disease, although the number could, in fact, be upwards of 110,000 people. Classified as a disorder of the human motor system, those affected by Parkinson's disease experience tremors (shaking of the appendages and the overall body), stiffness of limbs, a loss of balance and general coordination, and a general slowness with some motions. The symptoms of the disorder can vary significantly in each sufferer, with many people affected by Parkinson's disease experiencing only minor symptoms that are slow to progress. [Read More]